Teen Giving and Donate Life
Teens today are a remarkable, energetic and socially committed generation. Faced with inheriting the world and all its opportunities and issues, young adults are taking control and making a difference. Their energy and commitment plus access to unprecedented technology have the potential to make real change happen. A recent study of 6,500 young people under 30 revealed that 75% give time or funds to charities and causes they believe in. And 70% of them are willing to encourage their friends and family members to become involved as well. With an extensive social media network, a simple ask can go viral in minutes!
As Giving Tuesday approaches, we challenge all teens who have a connection to organ, eye and tissue donation to get the word out about Giving Tuesday and about Donate Life NC. Our goal during Giving Tuesday is to remind North Carolinians about the significant issues facing the men, women and children on the transplant waiting list, as well as the power they have to be a part of the solution.
Are you a teen (or do you know a teen) who is interested in this issue? Here are some ideas for getting started:
- Take an UnSelfie of yourself or your friends with a sign about why you give and send it to us at info@donatelife.org (if you are under 18, make sure your parents know about this, please!).
- Organize a school or community-wide donor registration drive.
- Write an article for your school or community paper about why organ donation is important.
- Challenge your family via social media to give to Donate Life NC (www.donatelifenc.org) so we can continue our outreach and programs.
- Encourage your friends to join the NC organ, eye and tissue donor registry at www.donatelifenc.org.
Show the world the power you have to improve it! Have questions or need help getting started? Contact Deanna Mitchell at dmitchell@donatelifenc.org.