Bumper stickers and now license plates help us make instant connections with people. It never fails, when I am driving down the road and I see automobiles with the Donate Life North Carolina license plate or bumper sticker, I feel like I’ve made a connection with the driver…as I pass them on the road!
Connecting with people who support causes near and dear to your heart is cool! Bumper stickers and license plates can provide a conversation starter, an introduction to someone you have not met before but also serve as reminders that we are making a difference in the lives of so many people through our efforts to raise awareness about donation. For example, last week in the school carpool line, I saw a Donate Life car magnet. Not to worry—I did not roll my window down and start up a conversation in the middle of carpool line! Rather, I smiled to myself and thought...support and awareness for organ, eye and tissue donation is growing! This led me to ponder about other conversations and connections I can make in my own community, educating others about the incredible need for more donors.
My husband and kids give me a hard time because I do not have stickers on my car. In fact, my Donate Life license plate will be the first time I’ve personalized my car. I have always preferred to stay relatively anonymous as I drive through town and instead choose to share my personal causes and convictions with friends and family. This has been an unspoken “rule” in my house--no bumper stickers on cars I own. However, I decided organ donation was one cause that I really wanted to support publicly, on a daily basis. Sure, part of this stems from the fact that I work for Donate Life North Carolina but other factors have led me to my change of heart. My middle son is getting his license in a month or so. As he takes his driving test, in my car, with my Donate Life license plate, I hope this either starts a conversation with the DMV examiner or at least, on some level says “thank you” to the DMV personnel for all their support and dedication each time they ask customers “Do you want to be an organ donor?” I also hope this leads to people waiving, smiling or starting a conversation with me about organ, eye and tissue donation. I am eager to share!
As my oldest heads to college, my husband informed me just last night that he’s getting a college bumper sticker for his car. So I asked, “Do you want a Donate Life license plate too?"
You can order your Donate Life License Plate TODAY at your local license plate agency or online through the DMV. https://edmv.ncdot.gov/VehicleRegistration/SpecialPlate/Detail?PlateID=154#term=