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How You Can Use Your Story to Register More Donors


What if you only had two minutes to change the mind of someone who was reluctant to become an organ donor?  Could you use your personal story to change his mind?   Last week at the Donate Life America Conference in Baltimore, I learned this is possible. 

Begin, with a clear statement such as, “I talk to people in hopes that we can work together to save and heal lives every day.”

Include a bold statement like, “Your legacy will live on. “

Use descriptive words to tell the story and get the point across.  Share specific examples of personal experiences and how life has changed through donation.  Have the audience’s head and heart engaged when telling the story.  Let the audience know that they, too, can make a difference by registering their wishes to become a donor.   Leave with them a story they can take with them and share with others.

Give the audience six powerful words to express a compelling fact, such as “I live today because someone donated.”

Two minutes might not seem like a long time, but that is long enough to motivate someone to register as a donor. Donors can save and enhance the lives of over fifty people.

