Celebrate 20 years of the donor registry at the Gift of Life Gala April 18!

Divine Intervention Continued..

Divine Intervention Continued...

My Name is Gina Dowdy Burkholder. Since my kidney transplant in 2012 my health has been pretty good. In the beginning of my kidney transplant. I got the BK virus, you only get this through a transplant. The virus attacks your kidney function. Doctors aren’t sure how you get this virus because you only get it through a transplant. There is no cure for this virus. Although I am free of this virus today. I have done really well compared to many transplant recipients. I have always followed doctor’s orders. I also don’t take as many anti-rejection meds as most recipients. At times it might have been rough but today I am doing wonderful. It has been 6 years since my transplant. I am always forever thankful for all who make the decision to Donate Life.

It has been two years since we found Cindy's heart recipient Jessica Fournier. Jessica currently works for Donate Life NC as their Program Assistant. Ginna my best friend and donor's older sister with her husband PJ they own a motel/restaurant in West Jefferson NC, this happens to be Jessica's hometown. Well PJ was working in the restaurant one day and overheard a customer talking about his daughter who had a heart transplant. The connection was then made by Jessica’s father Bob and PJ Ginnas husband. I will always remember, Ginna calling me and saying...You are never going to believe this. We have a Life Time Move in the making. She precedes to tell that we have found Cindy's heart recipient "Jessica Fournier". 

So, a few weeks went by and Ginna got to meet Jessica's father and some others in the family. In another few weeks Ginna, Cindy's girls and other family finally gets to meet Jessica in Nov. 2016. They instantly had a bond. It was a very surreal moment when I myself got to meet Jessica. Two of us standing side by side. It was amazing to be able to meet another person who is carrying on my friend Cindy’s life. We couldn’t have picked a better keeper for Cindy's heart! We now think of one another as sisters.

We have an amazing story to tell. I think it is always important to share your story because it helps give hope to those who might really need that inspiration to continue daily. People can’t believe our story, I can’t either! We both are forever grateful for the gift of life. Cindy gave us her wings and God gave us a miracle! So today we try to pay it forward in Cindy's honor. Divine Intervention....


You can read the previous blog about Gina’s life leading up the transplant called Divine Intervention at the link below.

